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A Bad Experience

Sadly, not everyone gets the hair treatment/colour they were expecting. Whether it is from poor consultation, lack of industry knowledge or mis-information, sometimes Bad Experiences are had. But there is a way forward, depending on the circumstances. In many cases, a conversation had with the stylist involved is needed to properly understand/explain with the goal was, if achievable at all in time provided. But, unfortunately some experiences are just so bad, you don't ever want to see that stylist again.

And for me, that is extremely sad to here as many times, such a bad experience can lead to "Hairdresser Fear".

But as professionals, it is our job to take our time, talk, explain, listen and even better, look at pictures and have a considerate hair care plan in place, and make it clear exactly what is possible for the 1st appointment and those future visits until ultimate goal is achieved.

A little client education along the way is always helpful too, so please ladies,,, don't ask for 2 or 3 layers. Always be honest about what home hair care you are using as it does play a part in how our products work, which can affect end results. (not that it was this clients fault)

But, this is one thing i love (not seeing a bad hair do) but taking the time to sit and re-assure the client what can be done to get them back on track to having beautiful hair again.

Trust is a beautiful thing <3 Thanks always to for their outstanding products and support. #brisbanehairdresser #invoguehairdesigners #colourcorrection #myartego

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