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Getting Summer Ready

1. Upgrade your Products

It's a great idea to Switch your usual shampoo and conditioner for a more moisturising formula like #Artego 44 or #Me&My Damage Reversal including a leave-in like #Artego 26 or #Me&My Angel Magic and finish your routine with a pea sized amount of hair oil or serum through the ends. It'll work wonders on sun-parched locks.

2. Spoil yourself with a Salon Grade Treatment

With more and more salons offering high-tech conditioning treatments, it's the easiest way to sort your hair's condition out is whilst getting your roots done. We are forever taking from our hair, so why not give back? The beautiful #Artego #DiamondFiller treatment is our go to for best results.

The best bit? Generally, the worse the condition of your hair, the better the results.

3. Protect your hair First.

When you're out and about and getting wet, hair damage can occur from all angles. Start by rinsing your hair under cold water before you take a swim in the pool/beach. Your hair can only absorb so much water so by rinsing it with fresh water first you're limiting the amount of damaging chlorine it can absorb. Another good tip is to apply either conditioner or a leave-in to help protect. And our Leave-ins also have a #UV protector

Enjoy The Beautiful Weather <3

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