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Product History & Honest Conversation

A very brief history of shampoo

While humans have been using various substances to clean ourselves and make us smell nice for thousands of years, it wasn't until the 1900s, shampoo was first brought to market.

It was a #German man called Hans Schwarzkopf who first began to sell shampoo in a liquid form in 1927. His earlier attempts with a powdered cleaner hadn't been as successful. But has now been redesigned as a Volumizer.

The word shampoo evolved from the Indian word "champu" — a type of head and body massage using a fragrant oil.

Many products/ingredients have for hundreds of years and are still being used, which for many traditions has worked well. But as time has passed, and new hair fashions have been introduced, the changing of products is necessary so reactions are avoided.

Many hair care products these days are used in conjunction with professional services, so always take the professional advice of your stylist on board when considering what products you should be using. We are not always in it for the sales, as if we do not care for your hair properly, you will not be with us for long therefor not being profitable in the long run.

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